Joining the Christmas Mission

Joining the Christmas Mission

Jesus came on a mission—a Christmas mission. When Jesus came into the world as a baby a little over 2,000 years ago, he came to change everything. He entered a dark and broken world to redeem and restore it back to the kingdom of light and hope it was meant to be....
A Christmas Mission

A Christmas Mission

The Christmas season is upon us. With two young children, this is a time of excitement and joy around my house as they anticipate the arrival of Christmas Day. There is something magical about this time of year, even as an adult. Certainly, the decorations,...
Finding Peace in Gratitude

Finding Peace in Gratitude

How much peace are you experiencing today? How grateful are you today? While both questions revolve around how you are feeling, we do not often associate them with one another. This is a mistake. There is a definite connection between gratitude and the amount of peace...
Finding Unity Beyond the Election

Finding Unity Beyond the Election

This morning, I was looking back through my previous posts. I was looking for something specific: what did I write in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election. You can read the post by clicking here, but it was interesting to see that the feelings I have this morning...
The Power of Resiliency

The Power of Resiliency

Is there a difference between wishy-washy, “I hope this will happen” kind of hope, and foundational, “I have hope beyond my present circumstances” kind of hope? This is something I have written about quite a bit, including in my book, Hope...