Simply Trust

Simply Trust

In the article, Simply Being Intentional in 2024, we looked at the need to simply be intentional to act if we want to see real change. Creating a resolution, or goal, whether at the beginning of a year or any other time, is great, but so often the resolution never...
Simply Being Intentional in 2024

Simply Being Intentional in 2024

With a New Year comes new opportunities. Honestly, there is nothing particularly special about the New Year and goal setting–you can just as easily start something new on any given day of the year. However, the changing of the calendar from one year to the next...
Summer Rewind: Change Starts with an Acorn

Summer Rewind: Change Starts with an Acorn

Have you ever found yourself wondering if the effort you are expending on changing something is really worth it? In this week’s Summer Rewind, we look back at an article I wrote about the lessons an acorn can teach us about creating real change. I hope you find...