Bring More Hope. Find More Hope.

by | Sep 9, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Good morning from Westminster, MD!

As I prepared for the launch of my new book, Hope Realized, I brainstormed a small phrase I could put on bookmarks we planned to give away at the book launch party. The goal was to come up with something short yet meaningful and encouraging. The phrase I landed on is, “Bring more hope. Find more hope.” During the panel discussion at the Hope Realized Book Launch Party, the truth of this phrase was reinforced as the panelists shared their experiences with bringing hope to people impacted by poverty and hopelessness. So what exactly does it mean? I am glad you asked.

Over the course of my time working in Nicaragua, and other communities impacted by poverty, I have come to the conclusion that bringing real practical and spiritual hope is the key to moving beyond the lie of hopelessness that perpetuates poverty. The methods of getting there might vary, but the end result, all-in hope, is what really matters. While the life-changing power of real hope derived from a real opportunity and a reframed identity is remarkable in its own right, the impact it has on the hope bringer is noteworthy as well.

I, and many others I have talked to, have found that when you are engaged in bringing hope to others you find more hope for yourself. It becomes a cycle of sorts. You give your life away in the form of time, gifts, and/or resources, and that investment ends up producing hope inside of you. I believe this is by design. We are created to gain hope when we give hope. Does this mean bring hope to others is easy? Of course not. However, it does mean it is worth it, not only for the impact it will have on others but also for the impact it will have on ourselves.

Are you in need of a little more hope these days? Maybe it is in bringing hope to others that you will discover more hope for yourself. Do you need some help getting started? In addition to my book Hope Realized, I have a created a free resource to help you take your next step. Click here to sign up to receive 5 Foundational Steps to Make a True Difference in Someone’s Life.

Remember, “Bring more hope. Find more hope.”

James Belt


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