Finding Unity Beyond the Election

Finding Unity Beyond the Election

This morning, I was looking back through my previous posts. I was looking for something specific: what did I write in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election. You can read the post by clicking here, but it was interesting to see that the feelings I have this morning...
The Power of Resiliency

The Power of Resiliency

Is there a difference between wishy-washy, “I hope this will happen” kind of hope, and foundational, “I have hope beyond my present circumstances” kind of hope? This is something I have written about quite a bit, including in my book, Hope...
Learning to Live Now in My Next Year

Learning to Live Now in My Next Year

My 43rd birthday is quickly approaching. I do not mention that in hopes of being celebrated but rather as a matter of reflection. With a new year of my life beginning in a few days, it is an opportunity to consider what I can learn from the past year. How can I use...
Is There More?

Is There More?

Do you ever catch yourself wondering if there is more? I know I have found myself there at times. It is almost as if you are on the bank of a river, looking across, curious about what might be on the other side. Every so often, something catches your eye but it...
A Hope Producing Visit to Nicaragua

A Hope Producing Visit to Nicaragua

In July, I had the chance to visit Nicaragua and spend time with our teams from Frutivera, NicaBike Shop, Ciclo Sport as well as our many of our partners. The reality is these are the people who are living out the the concepts I talk about in Hope Realized on a daily...