A Hope-Filled Lesson from Nicaragua

A Hope-Filled Lesson from Nicaragua

I recently had the chance to visit Nicaragua. In addition to spending time with people and catching up on the work happening in Nicaragua, I learn something every time I go. One lesson in particular comes to mind from this last trip: there is hope in the midst of the...
Simply Trust

Simply Trust

In the article, Simply Being Intentional in 2024, we looked at the need to simply be intentional to act if we want to see real change. Creating a resolution, or goal, whether at the beginning of a year or any other time, is great, but so often the resolution never...
Simply Curious

Simply Curious

In my recent article titled The Ripple Effect, we looked at the far reaching impact a single step can have. Much like a splash in a lake, the ripple it creates can be much larger than the initial action or even intention. In this way, our willingness to take a step...
A Year in Refection on Hope Realized

A Year in Refection on Hope Realized

Well, Hope Realized, is officially one year old! It is hard to believe it has been more than a year since the book launch. When you write a book, releasing words and ideas into the world, it is hard to know how it will be received and age. They seem meaningful and...
How Can I Help the Homeless Near Me?

How Can I Help the Homeless Near Me?

As I would imagine is true for you, homelessness is an issue of which I have been aware for most of my life. I remember riding in my parents’ car as a kid passing someone on a corner with a sign or pushing a shopping cart containing everything to their name. I...